It All Began Way Back When . . .

I have always been interested in the natural way of things and when I was expecting my first baby way back when it was no surprise that my preference was natural childbirth. I read everything I could get my hands on, we took Lamaze classes and I was firmly committed to a blissful, drug-free delivery.

Two weeks after baby's due date I was admitted to the hospital late on a Thursday evening. It was quickly determined that the other party to the main event had plans not in complete alignment with mine. After many sleepless hours in the hospital eagerly anticipating the arrival, baby was showing little indication of an imminent arrival,  The doctors felt it best to try inducing labor (OH NO!). And the relentless pitocin drip accomplished . . . absolutely . . . nothing.

Fast forward to Saturday and the doctors felt the best delivery for baby was a C-section. (OH NO!) Baby was late by two weeks, was estimated to be over 9 pounds and 5' 2" mama-to-be was not built for natural birthing.

My happiness at the arrival of my healthy and happy baby boy far outweighed my disappointment at the interventions required to assist him in his debut. And I was more than pleased to be able to nurse my bouncing baby boy till he was nearly a year - no artificial formulas for him - to ensure that he would reap all the benefits of breastfeeding!

And that is my earliest memory of making conscientious efforts for drug-free, natural and healthy lifestyle.


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